Leave a legacy. Inspire. Empower.

Welcome. We are collecting submissions from people of all ages and backgrounds throughout the world as to their own meaning of life. Each submission will be individually reviewed. It is our intention to publish a collection of submissions in 2005 or 2006.

We invite you to be a part of this collection that promises to inspire and empower future generations to come. Leave your legacy.

Please tell us Your meaning of life. Your submission can be as few as one word or as many as 50. Please mark the appropriate box giving JTR Productions the rights to your submission. Feel free to e-mail us with any questions or comments.

First Name:

Last Initial:




Are you over 18?
Yes    No

Please tell us what is “meaningful” to you:

  This submission consists of my own original thoughts.
  I give JTR Productions all rights, including all U.S. and international intellectual property rights, in my submission including publishing, sales and reproduction. I grant JTR Productions the right to publish, reproduce and sell this submission and I waive all rights in this submission.

For more information, please send e-mail to info@mymeaning.com.